
Thursday, June 12, 2008

A letter from a Patriot

Revolutionary Times
P. O. Box 129012
Boston, Massachusetts
Patriot letter

Living in the colonies is no better than Britain. It’s worse. Coming to the colonies was supposed to give us a better life. It was wrong, it was all wrong. There is hardly any food . The Redcoats closed up the harbor to stop any goods from coming in. Even if we manage to get hold of some bread those blasted lobsterbacks burst in, looking for something to eat. They came a week ago looking for wood. Took away anything they saw. Even took my Dad’s compass. He had taken care of it since he was a child. He received it from my grandfather. All the wood from my house was taken away. The wood from the chairs, the doors, and the whole village that I had built. I try to shove them away whenever they come. I joined the army a month ago thinking it might earn me some money . It didn’t work out . I hardly get paid $10 ‘dollars’ a day. Washington thought that the new dollars would help him recruit soldiers to join the army. Everybody wants some new dollars now. They’re useless. They only make the inflation in the colonies go up. There is no point in fighting. It only makes those British scums more mad. Even if we get free, Britain isn’t going to trade with us. Why would they? Even William Pitt, who believes in our Independence wouldn’t be able to make them trade. He lost his spot in the Parliament. Those British have lost their minds.
This all wouldn’t have happened if they let us protect ourselves. First of all, they came here and start recruiting people to fight with them during the French and Indian war .We could have fought ourselves. Then, when we started moving for more land, they tell us that we can’t move there. We fought for the land. We have every right to settle down there. Why should the British stop us? It’s our land and our choice . We can choose where we want to go. The British don’t need to tell us what to do. I think the British are just trying to take charge.
That’s what the Declaration of Independence stated to them. The Declaration of Independence states that the colonies were big enough to separate from the mother country. It helps in stating our position in the war. It is a fair manuscript that defends the colonists thoughts on the placement of taxes on tea and other products. I can’t believe the King(s) put taxes on products.
King George has never made a just decision in his life. He is stuck on doing what his great-grandfather and grandfather didn’t do. He believes that they ruined have Britain by giving Parliament power. His parliament itself has ruined Britain. Was it not during his rule that the stamp act and all those other taxes were placed on goods going to the colonies. The parliament is an unjust congress. The king can pick whoever he wants to be in the parliament. They don’t have to be fair. Why won’t they just give us freedom ?

Paul Demenfin