
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Movies( #2)

As I have writer's block, I will revisit the topic of my very first blog post. This blog post is linked to my buzz, so everyone who is following me will probably read this. That means that there are some lazy people here( I'm not pointing fingers here). So, those who are lazy can continue to be lazy( That is if you have any interest I reading my post). Okay, I have to start focusing now. My first blog post was about how I thought the writer(s) of Shrek 3 were... let's say they were a little too imaginative. Here's a quote from the post. "Sometimes a director can go too far.The story is just streched.EX.Shrek 3 .
shrek 1&2 were great but the third seemed to put an end to it.The story got
a little too out of control.Shrek a king,prince charming taking over,baby ogres & dragon mules?get my point." Actually, that wasn't a quote, but the whole post itself. Short, huh. Ok, ok, focus. I briefly talked about how I thought that movie, Shrek 3, is well, in middle school terms, an EPIC FAIL. I am guessing that the movie was targeted for kids about 11, or 12. These kids would have been maybe 6 when the first movie came out, as it came out in 2001, and the latest movie came out in 2007( there is another movie, but it is not out yet. It's title is Shrek 4ever?). Though I wasn't quite 11 when the movie came out, I was still old enough to see the over-creativity in the movie. Having summarized my thoughts on the subject, let us move on to the movies that I will address in this post. Today, I was at home, watching National treasure 2 for the first time( I know, I know... it came out a long time ago), and found that it was pretty much the same as Nation Treasure 1. It was still something that I could watch to pass the time while doing homework, but it wasn't something for which I would have went to the theaters. The story is almost exactly the same, just with different location,clues, and names. It's like a science experiment, with the locations, etc... as the variables that are switched out. The only variation is that science experiments produce different results, while these "mystery" movies have one product. One second-rate, inferior, and unsatisfactory movie. These movies( such as National treasures, The mummies, 1,2,and 3, Journey to the Center of the Earth, etc...) are, again, watchable, but are not really award-winning movies. Sure, some of these movies have great graphics( I consider 2012 part of this type of movie), but the story line is pathetic. Both the national treasures have the same emotions. Think about the part in National Treasure where Nicholas Cage lights this rock, I guess, and the fire spreads to the whole room, revealing a huge hall of Egyptian artifacts. Now, think about the 2nd National Treasure. There is a part where Nicholas Cage lights this rock, I guess, and the fire spreads to the whole( wait for it...) city. That bears a striking resemblance to each other, and that really takes away the charm of the picture. The director and writer have essentially painted the same picture changing the huge room with a partially underground city of gold. City of gold... Did that remind you of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the crystal skull? The indiana Jones trilogy( skipping the first movie) is much better than the movies listed above, but it uses the same algorithm, with a few alterations. The thing is, these movies just aren't meant to be blockbusters, though some happen to appeal, and are rare exceptions. These movies also bring massive disappointment. Last year, in history class, we watched Mummy 3 as it was in china and we were studying china. We used up our accumulated (fun ) time to watch the movie. It turned out to be another EPIC FAIL. There was no real context to China, and it ended up to be just plain... bad. These movies also, happen to have actors such as Nicholas Cage or Brendan Fraser. They aren't bad actors, but they seem to never venture out of the Mystery/Fantasy/Adventure movie making industry. Looks like don't have writers block now, do I? Prepare for another segment on movies later

1 comment:

Eric Vaishnav said...

Dude, format that post a little better. It was hard to read.